RESET FILTERS    Category:   
Product Type:
MNS 0037:2007
MNS 0037:2007
The Coarse hair. Technical specification
Price: $76.35
MNS 0038:2007
MNS 0038:2007
The raw cashmere. The technical requirement
Price: $60.60
MNS 0070:2007
MNS 0070:2007
Grease down fibers. Technical specification
Price: $72.00
MNS 0108:2007
MNS 0108:2007
Sausage products. General technical requirements (Amended by 2013/53)
Price: $290.55
MNS 0215:2007
MNS 0215:2007
Textiles. Packing, marking, storing, transporting of animal fibers. Technical requirement
Price: $38.85
MNS 0255:2007
MNS 0255:2007
Rounded-headed cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata). Technical requirements
Price: $168.15
MNS 0379:2007
MNS 0379:2007
Textiles. Method for the determination of grease content of animal fibers by extraction process
Price: $60.45
MNS 0380:2007
MNS 0380:2007
Textiles. Method for the determination of moisture content of animal fibers
Price: $59.25
MNS 0682:2007
MNS 0682:2007
Human medicine. 10% oscilloscope of streptocide. Technical Approval
Price: $184.65
MNS 0780:2007
MNS 0780:2007
Primary processed sheep‘s wool. Technical specification
Price: $132.45
MNS 1000:2007
MNS 1000:2007
Textiles. Method for the determination of fiber diameter distribution
Price: $91.05
MNS 1023:2007
MNS 1023:2007
Edible viscera and offal, including products. General technical requirements (Amended by 2013/53)
Price: $258.15
MNS 1027:2007
MNS 1027:2007
Method for the determination of contamination
Price: $92.25
MNS 108:2007
MNS 108:2007
Miscellaneous sausages. General technical requirements
Price: $285.90
MNS 1110:2007
MNS 1110:2007
Determination of live weight and fatness of lambs. General requirements
Price: $107.55
MNS 1111:2007
MNS 1111:2007
Half-carcasses, quarter of beef, veal, horse and carcasses of mutton, lamb and goat. General technical requirements
Price: $281.55
MNS 1563:2007
MNS 1563:2007
Canned meat products. General technical requirements (Amended by 2013/53; 2014/55)
Price: $265.80
MNS 1778:2007
MNS 1778:2007
Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Power quality limits in public electrical systems
Price: $1,410.15
MNS 1835-1:2007
MNS 1835-1:2007
Method for sampling of testing of woven fabrics
Price: $90.30
MNS 1835-10:2007
MNS 1835-10:2007
Method for determination of wrinkle recovery
Price: $71.25

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